
I hope that you are well!

I have created this blog to let you know a bit more about what I do and share some tips or information that may help you in achieving your goals.

Please feel free to contact me with questions if you should have any.

Wishing you health!

Friday, May 7, 2010


Now before reading this I want you to relax and make yourself comfortable.

If you actually had to move to make yourself comfortable I have one question for you: Why weren't you comfortable in the first place?

This is something that I see repeatedly! Riders who are tense and not 'comfortable'! What causes this?

There are many causes:
- Staying in the same position for a long period of time can trigger tension to build up in the muscles.
- Not exercising and not stretching can bring an increased burden of stress into the muscles.
- Physically demanding occupations, poor body posture, bad habits, stress, anxiety, and repetitive motions can also contribute to causing tension.

- Let's not forget the foods that you eat. What happens when you put a bunch of salt on a slab of meat and make sure it is dehydrated? It hardens. Our muscles are meat. Reduce salt and increase water intake.

So what can you do about this? Well, the first thing is to become conscious of your habits and triggers.

You need to check your position when you sit: while working, driving, and eating.
Where is your weight when you stand? Are your hips equal? Your shoulders down? Your chin jutting forward?

What about how you sleep? Your posture is just as important when you are lying down as when you are standing upright.

What thoughts, situation or people create tension? What do you need to do to be more comfortable?

Think of your horse, do you think it's more comfortable for him / her to have a stiff board on their backs or a comfortably relaxed - yet stable rider?

Next step, check your emotions. Have you ever been around someone who is really stressed out? Was it pleasant? What about someone who is happy and carefree? Which was more enjoyable?

Can you imagine a time when you were really happy? Imagine it, feel it! Isn't it a wonderful feeling? If you can't find a happy blissful memory -- MAKE ONE UP! Pretend you just won 30 million dollars and are riding on the beach on an Andalusian Stallion with Fabio by your side...ok...maybe not Fabio! You get the drift!

Your horse will respond much better to a calm assertive person than to a nervous, angry, stressed,or tired person.

The response I have heard time and again: How can I be relaxed and calm when my job...., my kids...., my husband....? (you can fill in the blanks!)

Go back up a few lines and imagine the wonderful memory, take a deep breath and feel it like it was right now.

There you go! That's how you create your state! With a little bit of effort and imagination.

Our states are our doing. Regardless of what happens around us! I am not telling you not to feel bad or deal with problems. You can deal with everything that comes your way. Being upset and dramatic is in your power to change.

Let's face it, life happens! Good and bad. The next four weeks will go by whether you are happy or upset. Why not choose happiness? Your horse will love you for it!

Wishing you health,

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